Someone new
Chciałam się rozpisać, ale nieustający czas i to, co dzieje się wokół mnie, nie pozwoliło na to :) W zamian przedstawiam Wam zdjęcia, które być może przekonają Was do urokliwego miasta, jakim z całą pewnością jest Łódź. Czy odgadlibyście, że to o nią właśnie chodzi? Zdjęcia powstały w ten cudowny, majówkowy czas, któremu sprzyjała niebiańsko - beztroska, słoneczna pogoda. Czy podoba się Wam spódnica zrobiona przeze mnie? :)
Czas zleciał bardzo szybko, aczkolwiek znalazłam chwilkę, by choć trochę nadrobić serialowo - filmowe zaległości. Zostawiam Waz z dialogiem z fenomenalnego, jak dla mnie jednego z najlepszych, historycznych seriali, jakim zdecydowanie jest saga pt. THE VIKINGS. Postać Ragnara Lothbroka wywodzi się w końcu ze skandynawskiej mitologii, oraz historii :) Oprócz tego możemy zapoznać się ze zwyczajami wikingów, zobaczyć, jak żyli na codzień, jak wyglądali... Serdecznie polecam :)
Nie mogę przestać myśleć o śmierci. Intryguje mnie. Śmierć dzieci. Śmierć przyjaciół. Mnie jednak śmierć wciąż unika. W moim świecie wierzymy, że każdemu naznaczony jest dzień odejścia. Chciałabyś znać dzień, w którym umrzesz?
W moim świecie musimy się zasłużyć, zanim w ogóle pomyślimy o śmierci.
A w moim świecie wciąż się waham, czy odebrać życie sobie, czy innym wokół.
Jestem niewolnicą. Czuję to samo...
Król i niewolnica. Oboje musimy służyć innym, czy tego chcemy, czy nie.
I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death?
In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death.
In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me.
I am a slave. So I have the same feelings.
A king and a slave. It is both our duties to serve others, whether we like it or not.
fot. Marcelina Leśniewska
IN ENGLISH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've wanted to write more, but the never-stopping time and what is happening around me did not let me do that :) In return, I'd like to introduce You to these photos. They may convince you to the charming city of Łódź. Would you have guessed, that it is the current topic? Photos have been created during this amazing, May time, accompanied by heavenly, beautiful weather.
The time has passed quickly, however I found a moment to catch up with TV series-wise. I leave you with a dialogue from a breathtaking, in my opinon one of the best historical TV series, that definitely is "The Vikings". The character if Ragnar Lothbrok originated from Scandinavian mythology and history :) Aside from that, we can become familiar with the traditions of the Vikings, see how their everyday life looked like, how they looked like... I profoundly recommend it :)
The time has passed quickly, however I found a moment to catch up with TV series-wise. I leave you with a dialogue from a breathtaking, in my opinon one of the best historical TV series, that definitely is "The Vikings". The character if Ragnar Lothbrok originated from Scandinavian mythology and history :) Aside from that, we can become familiar with the traditions of the Vikings, see how their everyday life looked like, how they looked like... I profoundly recommend it :)
I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death?
In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death.
In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me.
I am a slave. So I have the same feelings.
A king and a slave. It is both our duties to serve others, whether we like it or not.
I cannot stop thinking about death.
Death intrigues me.
The death of children.
The death of friends.
But my own death continues to elude me.
In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated.
Would you like to know the day of your death? In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death.
In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me.
I am a slave.
So I have the same feelings.
Read more:
photos Marcelina Leśniewska
tulle skirt - BY ME || jeans jacket - Mango | top - H&m | heels - Buffalo
I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death? In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death. In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me. I am a slave. So I have the same feelings. Read more: cannot stop thinking about death.
Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death? In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death. In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me. I am a slave. So I have the same feelings. Read more:
I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death? In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death. In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me. I am a slave. So I have the same feelings. Read more:
I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death? In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death. In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me. I am a slave. So I have the same feelings. Read more:
Wyglądasz rewelacyjnie w tej stylizacji ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńŚwietny zestaw, mega podoba mi się połączenie takiej czarnej spódnicy z całością ;) Sama poluję na coś podobnego, ale może tiulową, coś z koronką? :)
OdpowiedzUsuńŚwietnie ;)
Śliczne dzięki! Spódnica nie jest taka lekka, na jaką wygląda ;D Propozycja koronkowych spódnic również znajdzie się tutaj niebawem... :)
OdpowiedzUsuńMiłego dnia
Zapraszam do siebie, xx Bambi
<3 <3 <3